Monday, August 16, 2010

New outlook, new blog

So I've tried the whole blogging thing before and enjoyed it, but I didn't stick with it. When I first started blogging, my husband and I were trying to get pregnant without much success (found out later I had endometriosis and had to have laproscopic surgery to get me cleared out--more on that later...maybe) and the blog was a place to vent those frustrations. As you can imagine, it was a fairly negative space.

Now, a couple of years later, I am pretty much constantly blissed out due to the four month old love o' my life, my daughter Allie, and a husband that I love more everyday (something so attractive about a man that loves his baby SO much).

Got the following email from him today that made me want to start blogging again--well, that and the fact that I'm all too aware of how fleeting these moments will be (I mean, how is it possible that my baby is already 4 months old???) and thinking that blog would be the perfect place to write down all these memories. Anyway, back to the email:

From: John
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 11:26 AM
To: Steph
Subject: My heart hurts...

Just looking at the photos... argh. Love her so much.

Which prompted me to respond:

-----Original Message-----
From: Steph
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 11:36 AM
To: John
Subject: RE: My heart hurts...

I agree--Allie's the best. Love her. Love you. Love my life.

Which pretty much brings us to where I am right now--wanting to remember exactly how happy we are in this moment, how much I love my baby, my husband and my life. What a great place to be in...

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