Monday, September 20, 2010

Things I DO Want to Forget

Allie threw up in my mouth on Thursday night. Was picking her up off the floor, had my mouth slightly open, and whammo! Kid's got a good aim I guess. I handled it much better than I would have guessed--John saw it all happen so grabbed Allie from me, I went in the bathroom and rinsed my mouth, then went upstairs and gargled with mouth wash. I've never been so glad that John prefers the horrible tasting original Listerine before, but that stuff basically cauterized my mouth and I couldn't taste a thing. I have a really easy gag reflex so I considered it a huge victory that I didn't puke myself. Guess it's just another awesome part of being a mom!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the info on the diaper bags Steph! I'll be sure to check out the other bag you mentioned too :)
