Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Drama Queen

Allie's had a shorter temper since getting sick (seriously, I feel like she's had this cold for YEARS! It's really only been 2 weeks but I can't really remember life before this cold), although, as she's pretty much the most easy going baby ever, probably makes her like most children her age (I'm seriously not bragging [well, maybe a little bit]--this kid's just super chill). What this has manifested in is crazy crying and screaming when she tips over when she's sitting. I understand the tears when she bumps her head on something, but more often than not, she just slowly rolls onto the pillow or blankets we have around her and breaks into high pitched wails. It's hard not to just laugh at her when she does this--at worst, she might be slightly scared by the fall, so I know it's not a pain-based reaction. She's really exploring her voice and will go up several octaves when crying--she's a very talented lady. She's also learned to couple it with very dramatic facial expressions--full on down turned mouth and pouted lip. It's adorable. It's not going to be adorable for long, I realize, but for now I'm pretty amused by the whole thing. In case anyone is worried about poor Allie here, I do scoop her up and cuddle her, so she does get the response out of me that she wants--out of respect for her acting ability, I do try to hide my smiles.

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